I watched Morning Joe religiously when he first came on the air. I turned it off when it became apparent that Joe was no longer a Republican or a RINO he became Mika but worse. I enjoyed the show, the banter and opposing POV but that is no longer the case. Also what happened to Nicolle Wallace...same affliction?

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I think, both Joey anD Nicolle realize there is is big big $ in bashing the GOP. Principals and ethics be damned

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I don't think it's about money. Honestly, I genuinely think they're just leftist nuts now.

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Concerning the all powerful media, all one has to do is take one's fingertip and press the "off" button.

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I have followed Joe ever since he started at MSNBC. When Joe went 100% Trump and GOP bashing I found the off switch. Daily surrounded by the ACELA media ICONS and “ The Reverend , street thug, Al Sharpton, blasting liberal bs, giving advice to the D’s and and bashing every GOP move and above all cashing in on millions dollars every year. Get tired of him bragging “ when I was in Congress, we ran Newt out of town.” Little Joey did nothing in Congress except as you pointed out love himself. So the 2 time adulterer taking the high morale ground I don’t think so. I do tune in depending on the foreign affairs guest he might have, but absolutely with great disdain listen to Joey pontificate on how much smarter he is than his guests. It’s a pleasure to listen to Willie ask intelligent questions.

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What’s worse than a hypocrite? That’s right…a politician! And that’s what Joe still is.

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The man lacks any substance, he fell down the MSM hole with a thud. He may be considered successful at MSNBC, but how successful can anyone really be if they’re working for MSNBC? Have you seen their ratings?

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