I wish you would publish more of your writing on here. You have a unique perspective that varies from others I read.

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Excellent analogy with " Land the Plane". I read your book (all of it) this past week and was startled to read about CNN pushing Trump before the primaries- see at that time I wasn't paying much attention to politics so you really opened my eyes about that phase. Most of my friends and co workers here don't use twitter or read the NYT so I myself had no idea that there was a big kerfuffle when Tom Cotton's piece was published. I do agree with him after reading it in the book- but I didn't realize that the kids there are now running the NYT. You made a GREAT argument for proposing the Acela media put journalists in the "flyover" states so they could see how half the country don't watch MsDNC or CNN anymore due to all the BS they said about "Russian Collusion" with Trump. The biggest threat this country is facing is Communist China. They 're all in our shit -farmland purchases, our Stolen Technology , our colleges and universities, even our religious beliefs. We all believe that Congress better get off their asses and do something. Anyway I'm now a great fan of yours!!

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Nope. It's not a news organization's job to "land the plane." Was it pragmatic? Of course. But that assumes that FoxNews has some cultural responsibility, and that's just nonsense if we're to assume it's also a news organization. If it's not nonsense, then please remove "News" from the brand.

News and cultural totem should not be conflated, be it FoxNews or MSNBC.

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Tucker is divisive. I watched some walk through peacefully but for the most part it was horrible. I don’t understand his peaceful walkthrough most of them wanted the things to stop that day and they weren’t peaceful, they were there to disrupt the election to get Trump back into office. Tucker’s rhetoric hurts. I watch a lot of news and the democrats weren’t happy, did a lot of complaining, griping, carrying on, but nothing like Trump. If Trump could ever listen to anyone but himself, he would have been re-elected.

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